Minecraft pe op sword command

minecraft pe op sword command
The standard syntax in Minecraft to create a 1000+ Sharpness weapon is "/give @p {Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:}]}" placed in.

Minecraft save world command

minecraft save world command
These commands manage server saves. Saves the server to the data storage device. Causes the server to mark all chunks and player data as needing to be saved.

Command to change time in minecraft

command to change time in minecraft
This command adds time to the world. Example: /time add 1000 to add an hour of time to the clock. Syntax: /time query (daytime or gametime). Use.

Minecraft world save command

minecraft world save command
/save-all: This command saves the current world directly to your server. /save-off: This disables automatically saving the world to your server.