All enchantments for sword bedrock

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    EnchantmentID for /enchantMax LevelDescriptionAqua Affinityaqua_affinityISpeeds up how fast you can mine blocks underwaterBane of Arthropodsbane_of_arthropodsVIncreases attack damage against arthropodsBlast Protectionblast_protectionIVReduces blast and explosion damageChannelingchannelingISummons a lightning bolt at a targeted mob when enchanted item is thrown (targeted mob must be standing in raining)Curse of Bindingbinding_curseICursed item can not be removed from playerCurse of Vanishingvanishing_curseICursed item will disappear after player diesDepth Striderdepth_striderIIISpeeds up how fast you can move underwaterEfficiencyefficiencyVIncreases how fast you can mineFeather Fallingfeather_fallingIVReduces fall and teleportation damageFire Aspectfire_aspectIISets target on fireFire Protectionfire_protectionIVReduces damage caused by fire and lavaFlameflameITurns arrows into flaming arrowsFortunefortuneIIIIncreases block drops from miningFro

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