Pistons push blocks, up to twelve of them in a row, when given a redstone signal. Flip the power on and the piston's head will extend outwards one block for a.
An activator rail can be used as a rail and as a redstone component. To place an activator rail, use an activator rail item while pointing at a surface.
Once obtained, you can swing it like a sword or press and hold the use button to pull it back. Once the button is released, you'll throw it in a long arc.
It is easier to get slabs and stairs. Because for 1 stone block you can get 2 slabs. And 6 stone blocks make 6 stairs. Cheaper recipe for stairs and easier to.
AMIDST appears to have been discontinued; even if you used a 1.16 instance to view a seed it would be useless for 1.18+ because world generation was completely.