Diamond pressure plate -- minecraft
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Heavy weighted pressure plate!
Pressure Plates
- New Textures
- Old Textures
First Appearance
Alpha v1.0.1
Type of Block
Solid Block
Tool Used
Stone, Gold, Iron:
Data Values
Hex: Stone: 46
Wooden: 48
Dec: Stone: 70
Wooden: 72
Technical Name
Obey Physics
It activates Redstonenext to itself and the blockit is on. The most common use of a pressure plate is to open a door (wooden or iron).
All pressure plates minecraft
The wooden variety is also used as fuel in furnaces; however, it only smelts 1.5 items per plate (as much as one of its two planks).
There are currently four types of pressure plates. The first two are wooden and stone. Wooden pressure plates are made from two wooden planks in a horizontal line, and stone pressure plates are made with stone (not cobblestone or stone brick) in the same fashion.
Wooden pressure plates are different from stone pressure plates in th
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