Minecraft how to use the beacon

minecraft how to use the beacon
The beacon is an item in the game that allows you to create a beam of light in the sky, generate a light source (light level 15), and give a Status Effect to.

The pals minecraft survival

the pals minecraft survival
THE PALS MERCH STORE!! - http://bit.ly/ThePalsMerch In today's video, The Pals verse each other in Minecraft The Book Survival!

How to do the minecraft tutorial

how to do the minecraft tutorial
New to Minecraft? Discover tips for players and parents, including in-game safety, gameplay basics, and a guide to Minecraft mobs you'll encounter on your.

How to play the dropper minecraft

how to play the dropper minecraft
Dropper maps in Minecraft are all about falling down a level while avoiding blocks in an attempt to reach the bottom without dying.