How to find new minecraft structure
Chunkbase dungeon finder
How to find dungeons in minecraft 2024!
Quick Start
To use dungeon finder, enter your world seed in the text box at the top and click "Find Dungeons!". Afterwards, you can use the map below to find chunks that contain dungeons:
- Multiple Spawners in chunk
- Zombie Spawner
- Skeleton Spawner
- Spider Spawner
To get the exact coordinates:
- mouse input: hover over a chunk or double click
- touch input: tap or long press on a chunk
Then, the coordinates will be displayed below the map.
How accurate is it?
The finder is not 100% accurate.
Some of the locations may not be actual dungeons in-game, and some in-game dungeons may be missing.
How to locate dungeons in minecraft 1.20 commandMy goal is that the finder is accurate enough to be useful and not be frustrating to use.
If you find multiple locations to be wrong, try again in a distant location. If that doesn't help, let me know in the comments. Also post your world seed, the locations you checked and your Minecraft version.
For technical reasons, you need to know the seed of your world to use Dungeon Finder, unless, of course, you want to find a seed for a new world.