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How to Get Rid of Water in Minecraft
As useful as water is in Minecraft, sometimes it can get in the way.
Whether its a bunch of flowing water making it hard to get up a mountain or out of a cave, or deep water that makes it hard to get to something, it’s useful knowing how to get rid of water in Minecraft.
There’s many ways to remove water in Minecraft, depending on the situation you’re in.
Minecraft remove water command ps4
I will go over some of the most common ways for how to get rid of water in this article.
How Does Water Work in Minecraft?
If you’ve ever found a waterfall in Minecraft, you could have observed that they always come from a single hole in the wall.
Moving water always comes from at least one source block. A source block is a block of water (or lava) that rests horizontally on a surface. This source block appears as still water and from it water can flow.
In order to remove a waterfall you have to either obstruct or remove the source block, and the entirety of the waterfall is then removed.
In the case of lakes, rivers, and other larger bodies of water, that is a little more difficult
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