Log ips minecraft server

        1. How to get someones ip in minecraft
        2. Minecraft uuid to ip...

          Add a command /ip which is used /ip <Player> to get the IP the player last used ON YOUR SERVER. This way if you want to check to make sure that someone isn’t “alting” you could check their IPs.

          This is for vanilla servers, as you can already do this in Bukkit.

          Ip lookup

        3. Ip lookup
        4. Minecraft ip tracker
        5. Minecraft uuid to ip
        6. How to find realm ip minecraft
        7. Which ip to use for minecraft server
        8. This is also for admins without console access.

          Websites such as WhatIsMyIPAddress.com offer help finding IP addresses and uncovering where they’re located. Be sure to double-check IP address information you find to verify its accuracy.

          You now have the tools to find someone’s IP address or perform a reliable IP check whenever you need to.

          While someone who runs an independent Minecraft server can find the IP addresses of players who join (through the use of console or plugins), this isn’t possible on Realms since neither of these are available.

          Is tracing an IP address legal?

          Yes, tracing your IP address is legal as long as it’s not used for criminal activities. The websites you visit, the apps you use, and even your ISP collect your IP address along with other personal