How to use a hopper in minecraft

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    minecraft how to craft a hopper
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    How to Make a Hopper in Minecraft

    Hoppers are utility blocks that can be used in redstone circuits and paired with Minecraft’s rail and minecart system. They help with transporting and sorting items.

    They’re very useful blocks that can move items from one inventory block to another, saving you a lot of time and work.

    In this article we will show you how to craft a hopper and how to use it.

    Minecraft Hopper Recipe

    You can make a hopper pretty early on in the game and start working on different mechanisms as soon as you have found iron.

    This recipe is enough for a single hopper and it has to be made on a crafting table.

    On the image below you can see how to arrange the ingredients:

    How to Use Hoppers

    A hopper can work as a container, a redstone component, and as a way to transfer contents from one container to another.

    It’s easiest to explain hoppers to work like funnels for containers.

    You can connect each hopper to 2 containers in total.

    The hopper is shaped like a funnel so the top of it is where items “enter” and the bottom is the direction where the hopper will depo

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